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Please note: The Chancellor’s Office provides access to the DataMart primarily to
assist colleges for state and system accountability purposes.
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* The DataMart Annual/Term Student Count Report functionality has been updated as of October 2022.
* The statewide, districtwide, and collegewide counts are now all distinct student counts (statewide and district counts have been deduplicated).
* Annual Statewide results will not be available until all districts have submitted spring term data for the given academic year. Annual Districtwide and Collegewide results will not be available for a given district or college until the district has submitted Spring term data for the given academic year. Statewide term results will not be available until all districts have submitted data for the given term.
* Students are classified by headcount status STD7 which is a derived data element based on the student's enrollments at the college during the term. Students are classified into the first criteria alphabetically which they met (for example, a student who met both the "Credit Student Enrolled in Weekly/Daily Census Section" criteria and the "Noncredit Student Enrolled In Positive Attendance Section With 8 Or More Hours" criteria would be classified as "Credit Student Enrolled in Weekly/Daily Census Section" (STD7 = 'A')).
* Aggregation to annual counts as well as districtwide and statewide consider students as the first headcount status alphabetically which they met (for example, a student who was "Credit Student Enrolled in Weekly/Daily Census Section" (STD7 = 'A') at a college in the Fall term and the "Noncredit Student Enrolled in Positive Attendance Section with 8 or More Hours" (STD7 = 'F') at the college in the Spring term would be classified as "Credit Student Enrolled in Weekly/Daily Census Section" (STD7 = 'A') in the annual count for the college).
* The DataMart Annual/Term Student Count Report historically included students who met STD7 = A, B, C, or F as baseline criteria for inclusion. This baseline was updated to STD7 = A, B, C, E, F, G, or H in response to a known, definable undercounting of real students based on idiosyncrasies of section reporting as a response to the pandemic beginning in Spring 2020. The DataMart Annual/Term Student Count Report will now default to this latest baseline as a default, but users can select the desired headcount status settings and results can be disaggregated by headcount status using the Advanced Layout feature.