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Please note: The Chancellor’s Office provides access to the DataMart primarily to
assist colleges for state and system accountability purposes. Statewide results for the most recent term should not be considered complete
until all districts have submitted data.
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* Student headcount status STD7 of A,B,C, D, E, F, and G is used for student headcount.
* The FTES value is calculated by summing the "Total Hours" (refer to SXD4 in CCCCO MIS Data Element Dictionary) in all the enrollment records reported to CCCCO MIS during the requested time period, then dividing by 525.
* If "Total Hours" cannot be derived because data is missing or set to "Unknown/Unreported", the enrollments are not included.
* All activity in classes eligible for state apportionment funding is included. This methodology is not same as the methodology used in calculating FTES for CCFS-320 report.